
Get Involved — Volunteer!

All of our events and ongoing committees recruit volunteers using our Week@theCreek weekly email sent to all parents with emails in our PTA database.  If you are interested in volunteering - please keep a look out for the Week@theCreek and check the Volunteer Opportunities section. 

If you are interested in getting more involved in a specific committee listed below, please contact us at vicepresidents@sopecreekespta.com and we will get you in touch with the committee chair. 


Year Long Committees One Time Events
Beautification Meet & Greet (end of July)
Birthday Book Club Boosterthon (end of August)
Child Safety Octoberfest (mid Oct.)
Community Outreach Veterans Day (early Nov.)
Copy Cats Reflections (Nov.)
Education and Literacy Thanksgiving Feast (Nov.)
Environmental Education Georgia Day - 2nd Grade (early Dec.)
Exceptional Children Pioneer Day - 4th Grade (Jan.)
Health and Wellness Square One Art Show (early March)
Hospitality Honoring Our Heroes (Jan/Feb)
Teacher Morale International Night (mid April)
  Field Day (early May)
  Art Day (mid May)
  Fifth Grade Activities (late May)


Upcoming Events